Sunday, October 31, 2010

Tummy Time

Logan is really starting to enjoy his Tummy Time.  He had a bit of a lazy right arm but after some perseverance by Daddy he now puts both hands under his shoulders everytime.  Weighing in this week at 13lbs 8oz and measuring 61cm our wee man is growing up fast!

Halloween Party

We had the prenatal group round on Saturday night for a Halloween party.  We decorated the house and got dressed up as Batman, Robin and Catwoman.  It was a great turnout with all but one couple attending so it was a full house, so much so that Claire, Stew, Gabi and Ross had to leave their big costumes at the door!  Keeping Logan up for 6 hrs without a nap meant that I got a 5hr stretch of sleep in the night out of him which was nice.  However we are paying for it today with a rather grumpy boy!

Halloween Weekend

Happy Halloween everyone.  On Friday we dressed up to go to our Mother Goose singing group.  Logan made the cutest Dracula!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Prenatal Renunion Oct 23rd 2010

Proper giggles!

24th October 3pm  Logan and I were having a carry on making faces at eachother and he just let out the loudest squeal/giggle.  I think he startled himself so to check it was him that made the noise he did it again!  He seems very chuffed with himself.  He has been very vocal this week and is making some great sounds. We had a few giggle-type noises last week but there was no doubt about this one.  I'll try to capture the magic on video.  Also this week he has found his fists and is drooling and gnawing on his hands, but don't fret Raoul the Rhino is still the favourite accessory!

Auntie Niki joins us on a trip to the Sunshine Coast Oct 19th 2010

Some of Logans little friends