Sunday, February 13, 2011


Oh the joys of weaning!  We are having a great time experimenting with all kinds of food.  So far apple sauce is the definate favourite however carrots and mashed potatos seem to be a hit too.

Snow shoe fun

Logan and I attended the 'Baby and me snow shoe' session at Mount Seymour on Feb 10th with Claire and Ewan. 

Friday, February 11, 2011


We took the new backpack out for a walk to Lynn Canyon Park on Feb 7th, Logan seems to like it!


Logan went swimming for the first time in Dundee on Jan 6th 2011

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sturrock Family Gathering

The whole clan got together on Boxing Day 2010!

The Parkersons

Jeremy had great fun playing with Sam and his marble run while Karen and Logan played with Molly.

Meeting Karis

We had a lovely gathering of Karens old flatmates and met Karis, Heathers baby who is a few days older than Logan.  As you can see Logan has perfected chewing on his toe.  He first managed to get his big toe in his mouth on Christmas Eve.

Auntie Lisa's first nappy change


Meeting Great-Grandma Frances MacDuff (Jeremys Grandma) and Great-Grandad Fred Sturrock (Karens Grandad) December 2010

Christmas 2010

Some snaps from Christmas day.