Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Catch up

Wow where to start! So much has happened to Logan in the last few months.  On December 15th he took his first trans-atlantic flight touching down in London Heathrow just as the snow began to fall.  12hrs later the airport closed- lucky us!  He was wonderful to travel with and had the best sleep of his life on the flight.  We spent a few nights in England before taking a flight to a very snowy and cold Edinburgh (-11C when we landed) on Dec 20th.  Logan did lots of visiting but took it all in his stride, he is a very social boy.  We flew back to London on Jan 29th and stayed with Auntie Rachel and Uncle Liam until our flight back to Vancouver on Feb 2nd.   Thankyou to everyone we caught up with, we had a wonderful time. K, J and L xx

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